I believe in a world with two spaces after a period and Oxford commas for all!
Author of The Woodcutter, Queen Mab, Maggie MacKay: Magical Tracker, and O'Hare House Mysteries.
EVENT: Kate Danley (The Woodcutter, Queen Mab, Maggie MacKay: Magical Tracker series), and I will be at Duarte Festival of Authors 2013 this SAT with Books, boooooks! Come see us in the sunshine and watch me burst into flames! http://friendsoftheduartelibrary.com/festival.htm
Located just a bit past Pasadena, CA (USA), drop in by airship if you must, it will be my 2nd outdoors event so I've learned the lesson to *not* dress in full neo-Victorian in lovely Los Angeles weather. Dear Kate will be doing all the heavy lifting as I'm still Miz Hobble. She's just released two new titles, Queen Mab being the latest and my Sundark is still in the proofing stage (wah!). But I'll have me Dark Victorian books, so come SEE.
Childrens Activities Area, Panels, discussions, Talks, meet the authors, sunshine!
Follow, follow!
And participate in her BookLikes Giveaway of Queen Mab!
Kate and I will be appearing at Duarte Festival of Authors 2013, this Saturday! (I know, I just said that a post ago).
We each have quite a few events coming up---Kate will be at San Diego Comic Fest, I think (I won't be, still right foot-unenabled), Big Orange Book Festival, and I'll be at Comikaze Expo, Long Beach Comic Con, and LosCon 2013, the oldest science fiction/fantasy convention in Southern California, Thanksgiving weekend. And that will be that for 2013!
When does writing fit into all of that, I ask you! ;)